The dream leads the life

The dream leads the life

More important than dreaming about life is living the dreams it offers us.
Dreams are often the result of our experiences, of what is possible. Other times they are the result of our frustrations at not having what is impossible. Dreaming is a normal act in a human being and only dreams that do not live. Dreams often feed our spirits and encourage us to make the reality we already live more real. Dreams are mainly the reflection of what we want many times and of what we do not want others. Dreams, who does not dream? Antonio Gedeão one day wrote that the dream leads the life. I am perfectly in agreement, a life that will make much more sense, so dreamed than of living in chimeras that are not dreamed of. The dream will be in our life as love will be in our heart, are indispensable. Let us all dream of a better world, without injustices, without wars, without children starving to death, not wanting to turn this dream into a chimera, but rather to believe that it is possible. Please let me dream so awake, the same dream I desire for all who lives in love.

Eduardo Mesquita.
