First day of school
Hi Isabel Maria
I hope you've had a good first day of school. I'd like to have been with you, but I have to be here so far from you, thinking of you and Gabriel. You'll have a long road ahead but I am sure that you'll have much success. Try to take time to study and to play, the time will be enough for all. Look around you and try to share what you see with the others. Only in this way you will feel good. The secret of happiness is within us but always looking around for the others. I know what I am saying may seem a little strange conversation, but you have to start right now try to understand that the best way to be in life is always respect everybody, no matter theirs color or religion . This is the basis of the education that I'm sure that you'll take.
Say hello to Gabriel and simply be nice with all at home. I am sure you will.
I love you.
Your father.
September 4, 2007.
Eduardo Mesquita.
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